A. OR1035-24b Incorporated County of Los Alamos Ordinance No. 02-362 a Code Ordinance Amending Chapter 16, Development Code, Article V, Sections 16-68, 16-69, 16-70, 16-71, and 16-74(h), pertaining to approval authority for Minor Zone Map Amendments
If "a single tract, parcel or lot under common ownership; or the land affected... is predominately owned by a single person or entity under common ownership.” includes County-owned land, then I strongly OPPOSE giving P&Z authority to amend the zone map. All changes to public land should be approved by Council with input from the public. Thank you!
Residents of Los Alamos County place very high value on our open space and trails. Delegating authority to approve zoning changes for open space to the Planning and Zoning Commission is counter to the reason County Councillors have been elected. This change to the Development Code should not be approved.
Under the proposal, rezoning a large County-owned open space parcel would be considered a "minor zone amendment" and the P&Z Commission would have final say. Such a change isn't minor, and should be done in full public view, with repeated hearings and plenty of opportunity for comment, and with notice given to all county residents, not just adjacent property owners. Parcels above some set size, and/or owned by the County, should not be considered "minor".
I strongly oppose delighting this important role away from the elected officials. In this area it is critical the these all of county decision be made directly by the elected officials to maintain citizen view and direct accountability to the citizens. P&Z commission is important but must be advisory to the council
As I understand it, this proposed ordinance would result in treating proposed rezoning of designated open space lands as "minor zone map amendments" which is totally inappropriate. Any suggestion of rezoning open space lands to any other use is a major consideration that should require full public processes and hearings - the decision making authority for any such proposal should remain with the Council. I am curious whether the staff solicited input on this from the Open Space Working Group.
I feel that the definition of Minor Zone Map Amendment should exclude County land, and not give P&Z decision-making authority for applications to rezone, for example, County open space. The definition is appropriate for privately owned land, but not public land. Rezoning County land requires prioritization of conflicting plan objectives, which is a policy decision to be made by the elected Council. Open space is too important to the community for the decision to be made by unelected citizens.
If "a single tract, parcel or lot under common ownership; or the land affected... is predominately owned by a single person or entity under common ownership.” includes County-owned land, then I strongly OPPOSE giving P&Z authority to amend the zone map. All changes to public land should be approved by Council with input from the public. Thank you!
Residents of Los Alamos County place very high value on our open space and trails. Delegating authority to approve zoning changes for open space to the Planning and Zoning Commission is counter to the reason County Councillors have been elected. This change to the Development Code should not be approved.
Under the proposal, rezoning a large County-owned open space parcel would be considered a "minor zone amendment" and the P&Z Commission would have final say. Such a change isn't minor, and should be done in full public view, with repeated hearings and plenty of opportunity for comment, and with notice given to all county residents, not just adjacent property owners. Parcels above some set size, and/or owned by the County, should not be considered "minor".
Rezoning County land should be a policy decision made by the elected County Council, not by unelected citizens.
I strongly oppose delighting this important role away from the elected officials. In this area it is critical the these all of county decision be made directly by the elected officials to maintain citizen view and direct accountability to the citizens. P&Z commission is important but must be advisory to the council
Rezoning County land should be a policy decision made by the elected County Council, not by unelected citizens.
As I understand it, this proposed ordinance would result in treating proposed rezoning of designated open space lands as "minor zone map amendments" which is totally inappropriate. Any suggestion of rezoning open space lands to any other use is a major consideration that should require full public processes and hearings - the decision making authority for any such proposal should remain with the Council. I am curious whether the staff solicited input on this from the Open Space Working Group.
I feel that the definition of Minor Zone Map Amendment should exclude County land, and not give P&Z decision-making authority for applications to rezone, for example, County open space. The definition is appropriate for privately owned land, but not public land. Rezoning County land requires prioritization of conflicting plan objectives, which is a policy decision to be made by the elected Council. Open space is too important to the community for the decision to be made by unelected citizens.