Meeting Time: January 14, 2025 at 5:45pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

E. 19600-25 Discussion and Possible Action on Potential Ordinances to Consider in 2025

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    Akkana Peck about 1 month ago

    I support a fee for single use plastic bags. People who feel strongly that they must use such bags still can, but the rest of us shouldn't have to subsidize a habit that's wasteful, clogs recycling machines and causes litter. Santa Fe went this way years ago and the sky didn't fall.

    I also support raising the minimum wage, and at least looking into the problem of vacant and abandoned properties, and seeing what can be done within NM law.

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    ALLEN SCHMIEDICKE about 1 month ago

    i do not support this ban. When the council is already thinking of ways to spend the money before the ordinance is even passed then this tells me that it is not about the environment but about the revenue. If you plan on putting a fee on single use plastic, why not garbage bags, meat counter bags and any plastics that cover produce or any other item.

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    Laurie Zunner about 1 month ago

    I support a fee on SU bags in Los Alamos. Most of the plastic bags are not recycled but end up as litter and pollute our environment and us as we breath and consume nanoplastics. Trackers put in bags collected at grocery stores have shown that most end up either in landfills or are shipped overseas adding to global pollution. Adding a fee will give people an incentive to bring reusable bags. It's so easy and will help reduce green house gases causing climate change. Every small step helps.

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    Barbara Calef about 1 month ago

    I support an ordinance imposing a fee on single-use plastic bags. Those bags end up in trees and power lines and in our blue recycling bins. Smith's seems to have stopped collecting them recently.

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    Nancy Yuen about 1 month ago

    Please, at the very least, impose a fee for the purchase and use of single-use plastic bags. If a ban is not acceptable, then a fee imposed upon those businesses who distribute them (a fee, I assume, that will be passed onto consumers) is in order. It is not onerous to ask shoppers to bring bags for their purchases. All over Europe, shoppers carry shopping bags used multiple times. Why can this country not at least follow good practices, since it cannot lead?

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    Charlie Trask about 1 month ago

    I oppose any sort of fees or control of control of plastic bags. This is insane micro managing of the citizens in the kingdom of Los Alamos. I've heard of a proposal to raise the minimum wage, so I guess the County wants to take it back by charging fees for shopping bags ? Let's get back to basics.

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    Carol Bronisz about 1 month ago

    Plastic bags recycle readily & Smiths collects them. They help prevent shoplifting. Plastic bags take minimal energy to produce & transport. Council has rejected twice. Next a Kleenex ban? Limit exhale of CO2? Madness
    Council must concentrate on real issues: inoperable fire hydrants in Denver Steels neighborhood which is sloped and surrounded by unburned canyon fuel. Resting on "we've let a contract to rebuild the water system" is inadequate if a fire happens now. Fires don't wait for schedules

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    Catherine Lukes about 1 month ago

    Implementing a fee for (or ban on) single-use plastic bags is a simple yet effective way to reduce pollution, conserve petroleum resources, and promote healthier communities. By discouraging their use, we can cut down on plastic waste in landfills and waterways, lower our reliance on fossil fuels, and minimize harmful environmental impacts that threaten both human health and the planet’s ecosystems. Please help make LA a leader in our state!!

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    Ellen Dueweke about 1 month ago

    I support banning single use plastic bags, or at least charging a fee for them. Thousands of these bags are used in Los Alamos daily to get products from the POP to the customers' homes. An hour of convenience results in harmful toxic trash that lasts virtually forever. After littering streets, clogging recycling equipment, and killing wildlife, they eventually break down into microplastics which pollute our soil, our waterways, and eventually our bodies.

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    Diane Reese about 1 month ago

    As a retired USAF Colonel, I support banning single use (SU) plastic bags as a national security issue. Americans use 102.1 billion bags/year. The Wall Street Journal, estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags! These bags end up in our beautiful landscape - leaving a site that no one wants-especially tourists and potential businesses. There's that impact on our economy too. Please ban SU bags - or at least a fee on them! Diane Reese, USAF, Col (Ret)

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    Susan Barns about 1 month ago

    re. Single Use Plastics: I support looking into reducing the use of single use plastics in LAC. This is important to reduce litter (which is a large problem), waste (during production and disposal), and GHG emissions (production and support of fossil fuel industry.) There are many ways to do this, with variable impacts on outcomes and costs/equity. I encourage further research, perhaps by the ESB. Thanks for considering this important topic!