B. CO0704-24b Incorporated County of Los Alamos Ordinance No. 02-363, an Ordinance to amend minor errors and omissions in Chapter 16: Development Code, Article I, Division 4 (r) and Division 12 (b) and (c); and Article IV, Sections 16-20(e), 16-30(a)(2) and (a)(4), 16-45(d) and (e), 16-48(a) and (b), 16-53(d), 16-58, 16-61(b), and 16-66(d).
There has been little or no public involvement in this proposed action. Is there a plan for the use of this property other than a vague reference to social services. Why is this the preferred site for consolidated social services. What are the benefits of this site compared too other options with regard to cost and community accessibility? It is not clear that any real thought has gone into this proposal.
There has been little or no public involvement in this proposed action. Is there a plan for the use of this property other than a vague reference to social services. Why is this the preferred site for consolidated social services. What are the benefits of this site compared too other options with regard to cost and community accessibility? It is not clear that any real thought has gone into this proposal.
I oppose making it easier to rezone open space. If anything, it should be more difficult to do.